Blood tinged mucus, 7 weeks

First of all, since my previous loss in October my doctor ordered me to go in as soon as I got pregnant, again.

I went in as soon as I got a +pregnancy test @ 4wks. Last AF 5/29... He ran blood work & put me on Progesterone caps. My level was at a 10.2.

Two days before my appointment I had pink tinged mucus. It went away, the day of my appointment (Friday) it turned red and was accompanied with mild cramps.

They drew more blood to see where my levels were at. An abdominal US showed a small sac.

I went in again yesterday for some more blood work.

I'm not spotting anymore, no clots... Every time I wipe I have red tinged mucus. I'm feeling crampy and as if I need to pee every minute.

I'm afraid to call them and ask for the results... I just know in my heart this is a miscarriage. This can't be "normal".