Day 4

Erika • Married to the love of my life, Mommy to Winslow Ivy born 7/11/19, Expecting baby #2 June 2024 💕

Hi everyone!

My name is Erika and I just joined this group today. Today makes Day 4 of my lifestyle change, which has included eating healthy and exercising. I will post pictures below, but I am currently 390 pounds — WAY overweight. I’ve been overweight since elementary school, but I’ve put on about a total of 75 pounds over the past two years.

I met the love of my life in 2013, got engaged last year, and became so happy that I was not paying attention to my health! I realized I cannot be truly, deeply happy — mentally, physically, or emotionally — in the unhealthy state I have been in.

Monday I started a complete lifestyle change. I have cut out all sodas, processed foods, and have only been drinking water. It has been a complete DRAG, if I’m being honest. I’ve had headaches, diarrhea, mood swings, etc. I’ve thought about giving up so many times just in four days! However, I am determined that my motivation is far stronger than my cravings.

My fiancé and I are getting married in November, and we are trying to conceive, so I am motivated to do this for myself, my family, and for motherhood.

I just wanted to share my story. I have become so inspired reading through this group, and I am a listening ear if anyone ever needs it! Here’s to being healthy, happy, and uncensored about the journey to becoming healthy!