Confused (and utterly hopeless) Ace

Okay so... recently I’ve been thinking that dating would be really nice but I have a ton of worries, especially about myself. The main reasons I want to be in a relationship are as follows:

-It just sounds nice to have someone care for you

- I love that idealistic image of a doting partner

- I want to feel loved

- I want to feel /wanted/

But I don’t know if I could ever love them back. Plus, I don’t think I’m pretty enough to be loved. I feel like being in the relationship I mentioned above, I would be able to get at least some sort of validation that someone /wants/ and genuinely /loves/ me. I have no idea what to do. I think I sound really selfish and that I don’t deserve to be in a relationship and feel loved. I have no experience in actively looking for someone to date, as I’ve only been confessed /to/.

Please help if you can :(

(Note: I’m 15)