

For the longest time I said I was straight. I always knew that I could have a relationship/ fall in love/ have sex with females. This questioning went on for my whole life until I said, fuck it. I came out as bi. I then fell in love with this girl named Madison. It was seriously intense. It made me question every crush I had before that. When I was questioning my sexuality for the first time, I forced myself to have crushes on these guys, just to have someone to like. It started feeling like all of my crushes were forceful. I started questioning my sexual orientation again, wondering if I was a lesbian. I definitely found women attractive, and I don’t generally find men attractive. What really tripped me up though was this. I think have wanted to have sex with men, but I don’t know if I’m just making that up in my head. I did not want to/ have sexual feelings for Madison, or any other woman. And my sex drive had been wayyyyyy down. I started to wonder if I was asexual. Then my sex drive went up, and I wanted to jump the bones of the first guy I saw. I’m so so so confused.