13w3days / cramping / stressing


I posted something similar yesterday, I am just looking for someone whose felt something similar.

I am 13ws3days & for the past 2-3 days I have had menstrual-like cramping on & off. I stand 8+ hours a day at work, so my lower back is normally quite sore by the end of the day. But between the lower back pain & the cramps, I am panicking.

I called my doctor & spoke to a nurse, she told me it could be due to gas - but I don’t really have any gas! Unless it’s trapped!

Could this be round ligament pain? Could it be from stretching? Has anyone else felt this way? Yesterday somebody mentioned that their cramping was due to a small cervix - I am praying that it is not that, but I will be going back to see my doctor as soon as I can get an appointment.

Please let me know if you’ve felt this way & what the outcome was!