High Hemoglobin A1C test panic!!!

Hi mamas,

Okay so I got a call from my doctor saying that my hemoglobin A1C level test came back a bit high (5.9) and I’m completely freaking out. She said I’m technically not diabetic but am pre-diabetic which still is making me very nervous and scared. I’m a bit on the big size (198lbs) I’ve been planning on getting back to a healthier weight but then found out I was pregnant but kept the same goal but for some reason this pregnancy has me feeling very unmotivated and somewhat depressed 😞 I really want to get healthy for me and my baby I’m just scared that I’m screwed and won’t get my hemoglobin back to a healthy level. Any of you mommy’s going through the same situation that have been successful at getting them back to a healthy percentage that can give me pointers? I really need the help

Thank you