In need of help ASAP!


Hi Ladies,

So long story short ( as short as I can make it). My fiancé / future baby daddy lost his job and got his car repowed. I given him over 2 months to find a new job but he has just been sitting on the couch smoking and playing video games sulking around. I’ve drained my savings to cover bills and now I am on maternity leave because baby will be here in 3-4 weeks. I finally had to leave to go stay at my friends today because I found him trying to pay for online sexting last night. I am so stressed and don’t know where to go. Was wondering if anyone new of programs or places that help in the south Florida area. I’m so scared and can’t leave my dog . She’s my baby and I can’t do that to her. I also wasn’t my baby born in a more stable environment. Any suggestions welcome. Please please please no negative posts. I already know this a horrible situation.