Rape culture?

I am so damn pissed, I just need to rant. On May 25th my sister was raped by a pair of married "friends." The decteive took her sweet was time to interview her. She was finally interviewed tjis passed Tuesday, JULY 3rd. Seriously over a month to get her interviewed. Then I kid you not, despite all the evidence (including a confession from both of them via text message) the bitch had the nerve to say that it's hard to argue consent with alcohol in my sister's system and tgat she "could have made passes at them." I wanted to throat punch this lady so fucking hard. YOU CANNOT GIVE CONSENT IF YOU ARE INTOXICATED. Not to mention she was DRUGGED. Not to mention her vagina was TORN. Not to mention the photos of all her bruises. She even even bleeding from her nipples! Her mouth was swollen and bruised! Like bitch, if you hadn't taken your sweet fucking time you would have seen the evidence first hand! And now conveniently the hospital has "misplaced" the photographic evidence. So now I am getting my sister her own lawyer to handle these incompetent detectives as well as looking into legal matters with the hospital "misplacing" the photos. I swear, I freaking hate cops. Thought a female detective might be more helpful. Nope. I literally had to leave the room to stop me from slapping her with her own attitude. Victim blaming vibes 100% from her. I swear, if anyone harms my daughter I will go to jail getting street justice. Rapists are getting slaps on the wrist and it's disgusting. The police are of little help these days.