My rainbow baby 🌈 our story ❤️


My husband and I fell pregnant in 2014 unexpectedly. My husband (boyfriend at the time) thought he was sterile. He was a bullrider and years before we met his “southern” parts were stepped on by a bull. He’s been married before and even during their 7 year relationship they never had a pregnancy scare or anything. So back in April of 2014 when I came home from the doctor, confirming I was pregnant, we were both in disbelief. I ended up going into preterm labor at 11w4d. Nobody at the hospital believed I was feeling contractions. They took me up and did an ultrasound and there on the screen was a heartbeat and a very active baby, but my body and my instinct was telling me something was wrong. Again no one believed me. 10 minutes after our ultrasound, I went to the bathroom cause I felt like I need to bm and I ended up pushing our baby out. I was in fact in preterm labor, but how was anyone to know only 11-12 weeks.

My first pregnancy was traumatizing. Nothing was normal about it. I bled constantly, I ended up with hives and then I miscarried a baby that 10 minutes before, we saw on an ultrasound healthy and moving. We were devastated to put it lightly. But we still tried to conceive without any luck.

Fast forward to Oct. 2016, my husband and I got married! We found out we were pregnant again in Jan. 2017. I honestly wasn’t excited. I made sure I did everything right. But during a poker game night a month later at a friends house I went to the bathroom and realized there was pink on the toilet paper, my heart dropped. I just knew. I knew I was miscarrying. 2 days later on Feb. 5th 2017 (super bowl Sunday) I lost our second baby.

My husband and I tried and tried to conceive again shortly after our second loss. I was tracking cycles, I was using ovulation tests and I don’t even want to know how many pregnancy tests I bought. About 6 months of trying I bought my husband and i fertility pills. My husband was not happy he had to take 3 pills a day, but he did it. I was so positive that after a month of using these pills that we would finally be pregnant again. But once again, I got a bfn.

I gave up. I was done trying. I had convinced myself that we were unable to have a baby. I was convinced that my husband had a low sperm count (we never actually tested it), I was convinced that my high cervical cancer risk was preventing me from getting pregnant, I gave up completely.

I turned my negativity into something positive though. I decided that if we weren’t distracted by a baby right than we might as well have fun and enjoy life. We went out, we spent late nights singing karaoke at home, we spent time with friends and family, it was great! I wasn’t worried about trying to conceive or tracking my cycle or anything!

The next month I told myself that I wasnt going to even humor myself with a pregnancy test, I was enjoying life with my husband, I didn’t need the disappointment of another negative test.

On September 11th, 2017, the day before my period, I woke up and something deep inside me was telling me just to take a pregnancy test. I laid in bed debating whether or not it would even be worth seeing that one single line once again. I’ve been so disappointed and defeated by pregnancy tests after trying to hard to conceive, why would I? Especially since I have no symptoms what’s so ever, and I’m not even sure if I’m late. But i peed on that stick anyway.

I wasnt expecting it. I was in disbelief. I was pregnant! Only 4 weeks pregnant, but I was pregnant!!

And for the first time, it was a healthy pregnancy. Baby was growing perfectly and on January 5th, 2018 we found out we were expecting a little boy!

On May 15th, 2018 our son, Ridge Patrick Wayne McCall, healthy and full of life, was born ❤️

He is now almost 2 months old and I’m still in disbelief he’s here. He’s real, he’s happy, he’s healthy, he’s actually here! I never thought that this day would happen for us, and even though the journey to get here was heartbreaking to say the least, he was absolutely worth it! He has 2 brothers in heaven protecting and loving him from above. He is our miracle. He is our rainbow after the storm ❤️