I just need to vent and maybe get some feedback.

My man and I are TTC. It's getting harder to time things now with his job taking him away so much. But he's home during my fertile week so I'm over here thinking it's time to BD like rabbits.

I was wrong, I get it though. He's tired from work. Okay.

Well the 6th was supposed to be when I ovulated. I wasn't able to test because I forgot and he seemed super nonchalant about it.

Ultimately I assumed it was because he figured I could test again in a couple hours.

But here's the part where it starts sucking.

He wanted to hang out with his friend Friday.

Thursday night I didn't sleep well.

I asked him if he could schedule time Saturday.

He scheduled for Friday anyway.

Because of how late we left, we didn't show up to his friends until 8pm.

We planned to go home before midnight.

Instead. He got drunk and now we're stuck at his friends.

Now he's passed out. I'm depressed. And we may have missed our chance this month.

Next month we will definitely miss it.

So I'm just feeling down. Irritated. Emotional. And a little left out.

These feelings amped thanks to alcohol. Which until he drank so much, I had no intent of drinking period.

Thanks for reading if you did.💔