Ugh!!!! Somebody please help me figure out this damn dream!!!


So, here’s the dream so far, I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep (Had to go to work)

My husband and I are trying for our 3rd baby( 2 angel babies) We find out we’re pregnant, then we go thru the 40 week process. I guess i go into labor, but i can’t remember anything. My husband takes me to the hospital, and I guess is in the room with me , and i kept saying back medicine i guess, and he said no you didn’t want an epidural remember? You can do it baby, it’s alright. He’s almost here. I guess it was time to push and he was there for the entire thing & helping me push, but our son got here and i couldn’t remember his name we picked, for the life of me, and I can’t remember his name still even when I’m awake. I can’t figure out why i don’t remember giving birth, or why i can’t remember my sons name. Or even going to the hospital for that matter.

HAS ANYBODY HAD A SPOTTY DREAM LIKE THIS?! Because I can’t even remember going to the hospital in the dream, nor can I remember my sons name! Somebody help me figure out what this means!!!