Baby name meltdown!!


So we need help ! I am currently 30 weeks +1 day pregnant & we are having a baby boy. Both of our families are huge and we just can’t win when it comes to picking out names!! My mother side of the family don’t speak English perfectly so finding a unique name that they can pronounce has been interesting to say the least. Whenever we think about a name with a more Hispanic origin , his family tends not to like it. I’m Puerto Rican and he’s black and we simply just want a name that is easy for EVERYONE to pronounce but is also unique and not so common. His name is Richard Jackson and he hates how bland his name is so we already have decided that we will not continue with that name or have a jr. We were thinking of names that will make a good nickname with our last name like AJ,CJ,TJ,LJ... and so on and so fourth.It doesn’t have to be like that necessarily, just a cute thought. Please somebody help us! I never knew a name could cause such a strain . It’s to the point where I find this decision more stressful than fun and enjoyable 😩

By the way this us ! Can’t wait to see what our little “ no name” will look like lol ❤️