Not sure what to do


So when I was a child there was one thing I knew. God was EVERYTHING!!!! I grew up in a very religious home where we went to church 3 or 4 times a week, we prayed before every meal, we read the Bible everyday as a family and as quite time. Everything I ever knew was God based. And for most kids I started having questions about God, Faith, and Religion. When I was still quite young 2nd or 3rd grade. I started to feel a shift between my parents. I started to feel and see things fall apart and to my not so much surprise I saw both of them cheat. As I grew up we moved to a new state I started to go to public school not Lutheran no I’m not Lutheran just went to the private school. Anyway none of that’s really important as to what I need help with. So when I turned 18 I moved in the my boyfriend, I know very not Christian like but at that time I wanted to be as far away from the church as possible. He is Christian and we both believe in god but in 3 years we’ve not spoke about going to church and sure as heck haven’t gone. Well about 3 months ago he started in a partnership with his boss and started their own trucking company. His boss is mormon and was raised in a polygamist family. I very good friends with his bosses wife and they do not believe in polygamy but he’s been getting a godly influence from his boss. Now his friend from South Dakota moved here to work as a driver for them. He is a Christian as well and attends church on a regular basis. So the other night my husband comes home from hauling oil for 30 hours straight and drops a bomb shell on me. “So my boss and friend want me to start going to church.” And based on previous conversations that we have had I replied “ha yeah not for us” mind you his friends standing right there. He goes “oh well I was actually thinking about it. Maybe I want to better myself spiritually.” Ummm what in the literal hell is going on right now 1. You know badly I was hurt in the church (mentally emotionally and sexually) 2. You have never showed an interest before and 3. Oh my goodness did I really just hear you say that?! I simply said “well I’m not sure if I’m ready to welcome that back into my life yet... like I know I should. I know going to church is healthy. God does ask us of that but I’m just scared and honestly confused as to what my husband is thinking. What are you thoughts or concerns. Oh and P.S. I fought back and forth with myself if I should post anonymously but I think that being honest with myself and feelings is the best way