
Tanya • Miscarried at 8 weeks 2/12/18.. 💔👼 🌈 baby.. 11/30/2018

Well I took the NIPT testing and the sex chromosome came back inconclusive so I was not able to find out the sex. Today, at 16 weeks 4 days, I had a small army head out to a 3D/4D ultrasound place for a Gender Reveal Ultrasound and this stubborn very active little baby gave her a hard time 😂. Laying on my back she showed us the 3 dots which determined it was a boy but she was not satisfied. She wasn't sure if it was the umbilical cord because it kept getting in the way and was in between his/her legs. She then had me turn on my side..That is where she got a very clearer image of me having a Girl! So l will be going back in 2 weeks at 18 weeks because she said if it is a boy, his balls will have dropped by then 😂😂

As of this moment I am clenching to the joys that my Rainbow baby is a GIRL!!