Weight Loss


I have struggled with my weight my whole life. As a teen I was 15-20 pounds over weight, however now that I’m in my early 20’s I’m now considered obese. I avoid mirrors and photos as much as possible and it’s really starting to affect my life. I hardly have any photos with my husband or children and I feel horrible about it. I want to have something for my children to look back on, but I don’t want to be that gross mom in the pictures. Any time I tell myself I’m going to start a “diet” I break down and eat something I know I shouldn’t. Does any one have any tips to help discipline myself as well as healthy things that will help shed the pounds? I agreed to try to lose 50 pounds by Jan with a friend of mine and I’d really like to achieve it!

Me in high school

Close to what I look like now (except 20 weeks pregnant, mostly belly. I didn’t gain much in this pregnancy)