My husband keeps gaining weight

I already feel like a horrible person for feeling like this but I need any advice I can get. My husband and I have been together for 6yrs married for 3yrs. We have one child and I'm currently pregnant with our second. When I say this pregnancy is different from my first it's an understatement. Anyways, when hubby and I first met I was 100lbs soaking wet and him maybe 145lbs. After our first child I did Jillian Michaels at home and got myself in the best shape of my life at 122lbs with muscle and tone. I still feel pretty good with myself as I've only gained 2lbs so far. Now my husband on the other hand, he gained and gained and gained. Honestly he's still gaining. And it kills me to say it but his weight gain is causing me to not be attracted to him and I find myself distancing farther and farther from him. Seems like with this pregnancy him and I don't ever get along. We've argued non stop. I feel like it's my fault we aren't best friends anymore because his weight gain is making me unattached and unattracted to him. I've tried dropping subtle hints about eating better and working out with me but he doesn't see a problem with himself. It's to the point where when people meet us they refer to me as the skinny woman with the husband with a giant beer belly. Where my best girlfriend is mentioning how big he's gotten and asking if he okay. My parents asking me how he's gotten so big but I've carried a child and another and still look good. People asking me if he sees a problem with how much he's gained. At this point he's probably over 200lbs and none of it is muscle. I feel like a jerk for being this person. Is this just my hormones from pregnancy? How do I *KINDLY* bring up his weight issue and how I no longer want to have sex because of it. Any advice at all would help. I've never felt so distant from him as I do and it scares me that it could be the end of our marriage.