I had a Breakdown at work


Not sure if this belongs here. So let me know and I can delete.

I had a breakdown at work. I’m a realtor. I’m 17 weeks and have an 8 month old. My 8 month old was a miracle (4+ years of trying) and my current pregnancy was a complete unexpected surprise.

I’ve been having a hard time juggling work. My husband works too but h owns the company and his income is steady and mine Isn’t since I work on commission. Well today we had a mid year review at work...about how many homes we’ve sold vs how many we need/want to sell. So I’m way behind. And I have been struggling to find the balance with work and baby. Both our parents works so we can’t ask them to watch her all the time. I get calls constantly and it’s been hard for me to do my prospecting and follow up. I also am always tired because my baby still Doesn’t sleep Through the night. So

They combined with my current pregnancy is draining.

My business comes second to my husbands and I get it but then he gets mad that I’m not doing well enough and it’s still taking my time away from home and the family.

I’ve been so scared and worried cus how am I going to handle two babies next year??? I can barley handle one.

So they asked me at the meeting what’s holding me back (they asked everyone) and I said it’s A lot harder with baby. I knew it would be but damn. And I started sobbing and crying. I felt like shit. I didn’t want to but it was the first time I said it out loud and I just broke down. Idk what to do. I’m so scared. I need and want to make my own money. I want to set a good example

For my babies but also be there for them.

I know I won’t reach my goal this years but I need to do at least what I did last year. All while keeping the house clean, cooking, taking time off. Being able to shave my legs when I shower and also dry my hair or even just put on makeup.

I guess I need a schedule?? Routine??

Any advice ladies?

There so much going through my mind that I can’t even put it all on here it’s so much.

I’m Just worried and stressed.

Sorry for the long post. And thank You for reading.