Another chapter

I'm starting college in a month or so, however I'm moving the northern side of California and I've lived in So Cal all my life. I'm not scared about moving, the the thing I'm scared about is leaving my boyfriend. Of course he supports me in every way possible. He was the reason why I decided to go to the university I've chose, because he was supportive even if he doesn't want me to go either. I don't usually see him as often as we wish we did, especially when I'm about to leave. As well with him having to do adult stuff on his days off (meaning the days he sees me) means that I'll have less time with him. I know i have a lot of time until school starts, but I just feel so sad over how I'm going to have to leave my other half. He has decided to try to visit me as much as he can. But, I just want the time we have right now memorable; it doesn't have deal with money or going far. I just want to spend so much time with him before I leave because I know that I'll be missing him the most while I'm up north. I thank him for being supportive for my choices, but this part of my chapter is literally breaking me as I think of it..I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm dependent, it's just he's literally the only person that has understood me and hasn't left me while everyone else in my life has..