Update !! Other woman lives less than 5min away

Long story short made a post about my BF getting a place close to where a girl he cheated on me with lives less than 5 min away. NEW TEA! So today I messaged the girl again about more in depth questions and this was her answers , I don’t think she’s lying she has nothing to gain from it , it’s not like my boyfriend is chris brown or something why would she just lie 😒 and the things she is saying is Shit he would do lol his excuse is she’s bitter cause he dropped her but she says something else that’s besides the point let’s get Down to the fact he had a hidden kids & was still seeing the mother all the time of being with me until I caught on he doesn’t see the kid or her she says almost the same things about him but hers was more deep , he bought the other baby mom a ring & neck less she lost her virginity to him and named her son after him first middle last name he asked her to move with him when she was pregnant(she says ) he said they were never together after the baby but her exact words was “ we we’re together , even when we weren’t together “ she showed me screen shots of his text messages proving he said he loved her and isn’t worried about any other woman . Now I figured out all these things while living with him . After today the girl saying more I’m disgusted! I have a 2 years old son with him and I live with him , I also don’t have any family members I can go too about it , I still live with him