No shame family

So I’m Mexican and we have a tradition when a girl turns 15 we have a quinceañera. It’s a tradition where a young girl becomes a woman into the world. She can wear makeup and high heels and have a boyfriend. Anyway back to the story so I’m giving my daughter one on the 21st of July invitations have been given and the majority are for my husbands family cuz he’s close to his family. The guest list is at 180 counting everyone I invited very few selected family and friends on my side because I only want people who actually are in my life and know my daughter to come. Other people why I don’t see them or nothing. Well a cousin I have on Facebook reached to me to ask about my daughters quinceañera. I was shocked. Literally the last time I saw this cousin in person was almost 5 years ago. She doesn’t know my daughter at all. Doesn’t know my husband or nothing. Iv never hung out with her or nothing. How lame and desperate is it of her doing that ? The thing is she has sisters we have more cousins if I invite her they too would probably wonder where’s their invite then the guest list hits over 250 but like I said before I only want people who are in life to come . Am I wrong for being annoyed or should I invite her cuz she so desperate to come?