Boyfriend trouble


Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 2 months and half but have known each other for over an year, I have always had more guy friends then girl friends (I just tend to get along with guys better) most of my guy friends have had feelings for me in the past but they get over it quickly but I have one friend I’ve known since we were 4 and now we’re 17 and we dated in 8th grade for 10 months we still liked each other for awhile after and I actually didn’t get over him until I met my boyfriend. My boyfriend recently asked me to stop talking to my guy friend of 13 years because he’s scared that feelings will come back but he’s my absolute best friend and we don’t even hang out that much, but I agreed to stop talking to him. My boyfriend has a girl friend he has known for an year and they almost dated, she’s his best friend and they get breakfast, lunch and dinner all the time and do stuff together alone ALL THE TIME and it makes me uncomfortable but I do trust him but I also don’t think it’s fair that he asked me his stop while he can do whatever he wants. Since I do trust him I don’t know if I should tell him that it makes me a bit uncomfortable that he can do whatever he wants but I’m not allowed and honestly I wouldn’t even know how to start the conversation. He has also told me he has a problem with most of my other guy friends.