
So yesterday night when I used the restroom I wiped and there was a small clump of mucus on the tp. I woke up this morning and same thing a couple of times. One time the clump was about dime sized. I called my doctor but my appointment isn't for 2 more days as I'm in the middle of switching doctors. I'm freaking out. I'm 14 wks today and I'm just scared this could be my mucus plug?? I haven't had antmmy pain or any bleeding but a few weird cramps today. This is my second. First baby was perfect not a problem in the world. It took us 16 months to conceive again so I'm just so scared for anything to happen I'm so ready for this little one!!! HELP. Any one else experience this? Should I go to the ER if I'm losing mucus? I don't know what to do?!?!