Is this weird?


So i am going back to work on Monday... well

Monday night as I work midnights. Tonight, my son who is 7 weeks old, didn’t want to fall asleep. I was out for a bit and my MIL was watching him (common thing, he is used to her). He would not fall asleep until I got home and held him. Usually he can fall asleep on his own, but I guess he just wanted me there. So now, it is 2 am and I’m sitting in the rocker just rocking him. He has been asleep for probably at least an hour (ate a bottle around midnight), but I can’t bring myself to put him down. I know I need to sleep, but I feel like once I go back to work, I won’t get these late night moments anymore 😢 is it weird or wrong of me to just want to hold him even though it’s late and I should go to bed?