
🦉Sarah🦉 • 🍬27 💍2010 👦🏼1 👧🏼2 🐕2 🐹2 🦁Leo 🚸crossing guard

Okay so I’ve been a crossing guard for the last year and I’ve loved it because I work 2 hours a day and I make pretty much minimum wage 40 hour working. And I get to spend a lot more time with my kids (8y & 2y) I’m 21 weeks along with my third and I was planning on breast feeding only because formula is expensive and I don’t qualify for wic this time. But I’m off for the summer and for unemployment I have to apply and accept another job if I get an offer. Well I applied to my local hospital in the cafe and I think I might actually get this job. It’ll be 24 hours so probably 3 days a week. And I’ll take it but the question is I don’t know if I can still breast feed because with my last child while working at subway I just could not pump at work and so my supply stopped after a few days. Anyway I guess mainly my question is in August is it better just to stay cross guarding or work in the cafe?