Bump dropped at 33 weeks?


With #1 I did not drop at all, and I didn't have a single Braxton Hicks with her, she ended up being past her due date, and had to get pitocin, etc.

Now with #2 I've been having some Braxton Hicks and INTENSE hip pressure. My husband said my bump looks droopy and low, and I just looked in the mirror and YES my belly is very very very low. Like I'm very surprised and the drastic difference.

That being said, I'm only 33 weeks and I feel like this is too early. While yes, I want this pregnancy to be over, I don't want my son coming too early as it clearly isn't good for his health.

Am I going into labor soon? I'm scared, I haven't seen my OBGYN in about a month due to scheduling problems in her office so I'm at a lost.

Normal? Not normal?