A mommys ❤️ will never change😊😘!!


Hey ladies, I am not going to lie I don’t get really happy during my pregnancies due to the fact I never know what is going to happen to I 🙏🏾 a lot more! And give myself a extra each day 😊😘!

I love my baby gurl she is one of my miracle babies she was born premature but she made it through and is very healthy and I had a lot of seizures while pregnant with her but anyway she is the best things that has ever happened to me!

My daughter is now 8yrs old and she is healthy only thing she has is asthma only because I have it and her dad has it too😊.

And now after having loss so many babies I am 🤰🏾again and I am truly blessed with every milestone that I achieve and master that’s a very big blessing in my eyes🙏🏾. I am now 10wks and 5days along and I am due feb 3.19. And my baby is looking so healthy it’s not even funny!!!

I love my babies more then anything I ever loved in my life and I am all so very blessed to see what else will bring ❤️💯🤰🏾💯🤞❤️!!!