Trust Issues???

Ellie • Living my best life | 11.21❤️🔐 | 🇵🇷 - NYC | 29 ♎️ 🙏🏼 Expecting our first 👶🏻 Feb 2020 #godwilling

Ok ladies, I need to put this out there because I really don’t think I’m wrong for feeling this way. I’m super emotional too because I’m on my period so it doesn’t help at all 😢😭

My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year now. Recently, I was at work (I work in an office) and my co worker grabbed my phone while I was on the phone with a client. She started recording a guy co worker dancing n being silly. Mistakenly, she sent it to my boyfriend on WhatsApp instead of sending it to herself and now he has this thought that “I entertain this at work; or that guys entertain me at work” which in reality I don’t. Everyone at my job knows about him, some have even met him including my co worker who recorded the whole thing. I tried explaining it to him over n over again n he just didn’t want to talk to me. He shut his phone off yesterday.

Now today I try to talk to him, I say ‘I love you’ he responds ‘yeah cool’. I then asked ‘do you trust me?’ he says ‘whatever n no I don’t.’ Like wtf ?! I get that your upset but it wasn’t me doing it it was a co worker of mine. I’m very open with him about everything, I don’t hide anything either and everyone knows that I’m crazy about him. As soon as he said that to me I broke down in tears. He shuts me out once again n now idk when he’s gonna talk to me. I feel like if he’s got trust issues from prior relationships I shouldn’t be held responsible for that, I too have my own trust issues but refuse to let that define my present or future. 😭😭

What do you guys think I should do? Say? Help.