*Sarcastically Said* I Love How....

(Completely sarcastic) I love how my fiancé just takes off to his guy friends house for the night to “clear his head and give me some space” and leaves me with our almost 22 month son who just wants his daddy here. Where is my time to “clear my head or to get some space”? It seems like every time we have an argument now, he has to take off and “de stress” by spending the night playing video games with his friend :(. I’m getting really tired of explaining to our son why daddy isn’t home when he’s standing here looking at me saying daddy.

Added... He is 37 y/o while I am 30 y/o.

I am honestly a little resentful because even though he has said “you can go out whenever you want at night and I’ll stay home with our son” every time I say anything about going out it’s “oh I was gonna go hang out with so and so tonight...”. I have been out less than a handful of times since our son has been born by myself to “destress” while he has been out AT LEAST a dozen times. I love my son very much and I hate being away from him but I need a little mental health break too, a little time to destress. I can’t even go to the store without getting a call a half hour in saying that my son is crying because he wants me and to hurry home.

Him and I are going to have a long chat about this when he gets home. And there may be some yelling because his immature ass decided to turn his phone off too 😡