would you leave him?

idk anymore, im about to just leave my husband. he says for us to not have any opposite gender friends, cause itll only leads to sex in his perspective, not mine. but since thats his perspective, i believe thats how he is to all the ladies hes friends with. so i had to unfriend my guy friends.anyways, i found out he has a lot of female friends from his new work place and thru mutual friends. no wonder he no longer calls or txt me on his break. i confronted him about his female friends and what hes said in the past. he acts like im being ridiculous and insecure. he even tells it to them that he cant be friends or do things w them anymore becauae his wife wont let him. and they said the same, that im so insecure. when they dont even know the truth that he was the one not letting me have any guy friends, and say hed do the same w not having any female friends. i dont even care to begin with, until i knew how his perspective was like, and until he wont let me have any guy friends. i told him ill just go make a ton of guy friends, and guess what? he gets all mad about it and say that im just going to cheat on him if i do. he said he can have female friends cause he wont cheat on me, but i can. like wtf, i never had any cheating history, but he sure as hell do with his ex! and he says girls never approach guys with sex, only guys do. he said hed never do that to girls being married.