4 almost 5 year olds

Cassidy • Mommy to Kadence, Jocelyn and bonus mama to Isabel ☺️ #girlmom 💕

i have a 4 almost 5 year old stepdaughter and i’ve been around since she had just turned 3. she’s always been a little on the wild side but recently she’s has been acting out so much, we have her every other weekend and when we picked her up this weekend we were told she’s been hitting her grandmother. coming here she just will not listen to either of us, slams doors, and has been hitting our dog in the face. i wouldn’t really call this normal behavior, she used to only listen to her dad out of all her parental figures but now we don’t really know how to handle it or what to do because we try to discipline her and she just laughs now or will storm out and slam doors and punch walls and us. i’m currently 21 weeks pregnant with her sister and she’s super happy and involved with it all but i know it could be playing some of a role but she’s not only doing this with us is the thing, her mom, her grandparents, us, all authority figures. she’s my SO’s first and i’m about to have my first so we don’t really know what to do about this, any advice?