SCH hours after normal ultrasound?


We did <a href="">IVF</a> and had our first ultrasound at 6w3d with the RE (ruling out ectopic since I have history) and everything appeared normal with baby and could see heartbeat flickering away. Two weeks later at 8w5d we have our first official OB visit and ultrasound. Everything looked great, baby’s heartbeat was 178. Doctor did pelvic exam and said things look terrific. Not even 5 hours later I’m gushing red blood and clots so we rush to the ER. We did an ultrasound in the ER and it showed baby still in same position as in the morning and still with a heartbeat of 178 but now there is a “large” SCH that formed that was clearly not there that morning. The morning ultrasound the tech used a ton of pressure on my abdomen it was most definitely uncomfortable at times. Any chance this could be related? Just odd how this pops up in 5 hours. I ended up having to stay overnight at the hospital because of the amount of blood loss. Praying this works out and baby stays strong in there!