I have the most thoughtful boyfriend ever.


I’m currently 3 months pregnant with my third child. I’ve had the worst all day sickness and I just can’t seem to get any of my energy back. Anything that has a strong smell makes me vomit. I have a 2 and 4 yr old little girl so you can just about imagine how life is working all week then coming home to do the chores and taking care of the family everyday 😩. My boyfriend of three years is a log truck driver and he works at the most 16 hours a day, 6 days a week. He has been so helpful making sure I’m comfortable and getting most things I crave.

About two months ago I cut off my hair and decided to go natural. I have found it real hard to find time in my day to take care of my own hair and he’s noticed. Last night he looked at me and said, “Go get the grease and a comb, I’m going to grease your scalp” Me- 🙅🏽‍♀️, Him- “Go and get it and let me grease your scalp”

Keep in mind he’s never done this before but he does have girls of his own so he’s seen it done before. YALL!!! He sat at the edge of the couch and I laid between his legs as he started from the back of my head all the way to the top THEN massaged my scalp. 😍 It felt so good y’all he just held me afterwards and I fell asleep. This man is constantly working in the woods everyday, working on his log truck every week, gets dirty every day and he comes home and does this! I couldn’t have asked for a better SO and I love him sooo much.

This is my hair.

This is the man that stole me and my daughters heart.