pregnant and scared...


little back story, I had a miscarriage my very first pregnancy, it was awful, but then I went on to birth to beautiful healthy boys. after my youngest was born I decided to go with the IUD implant for birth control, I had no issues with it at first, then I started having a bunch of pain, I had ultrasounds done to make sure it hadn't moved, it was still in place, but the pain was enough for them to put me on morphine. after a year of dealing with the pain, in and out of the e.r, several doctor appointments, my doctor and I decided it was time to have it taken out. I got it taken out, but was still in pain, I decided to see my obgyn, and was told I had gotten an infection from getting it taken out and now had PID. I was told to get back on birth control, or try having another baby to solve my pain....we decided to try for another baby. I got pregnant shortly after.....but that ended in a miscarriage....I got a regular period and we tried again....I got pregnant....but that ended in a miscarriage too, both of these miscarriages happened within four months of each other. my doctor started me on progesterone to see if we could make it further without a I am pregnant again.....I'm terrified this is going to end in a miscarriage other ones happened around 4-5 weeks.... and I'm 4 weeks today....I'm a nervous wreck, every little cramp or discomfort scares me, I just don't know how not to stress and worry this pregnancy, it's killing me.