Realizing your getting through to kids in a good way

I was teaching kids at a Christian camp about how god made each and everyone of us individually and we are all uniquely wired with special graces and talents.

I than proceeded to ask them about some of the talents that they wished they had, but I assured them telling them that god had made them each individually and they were all perfect in there own way. And that there is a purpose for all of them here.

I than asked what were some graces( talents and skills ) that god had given them. I reminded them not to be worried about sounding full of themselves or anything like that. A bunch of them said gymnastics or singing or sports. But, one girls raised her hand and said “ well, I’m really good at making friends, like I’m super popular and have a bunch of friends”. And I held back laughter but at the same time I was proud of her for having the courage to sharing that, and it is also a great skill to have.

P.S. there incoming 3rd graders