Regaining trust... help

I found out last week my husband was... well I want to say having an affair but I don’t know if I’d say that; but he was cheating. Sexting with a girl. One girl.

I feel sick thinking about it. They never met, or planned to meet or anything; but they exchanged photos, talked inappropriately all that.

We’ve been married for 3 years now. This is the first time it’s happened during our marriage. I have forgiven him; he has repented, now comes the hard work of rebuilding that trust that was shattered.

So I have a few questions... if you we’re going to do marriage counseling would you go through a standard person or a Christian therapist? How did/would you find them? How helpful is marriage counseling?

Any words of encouragement would be appreciated too.

Plus on top of that we are completely different body types and I’m struggling in the feeling that it’s my fault (even though he straight said “I know you’re going to think this is your fault but it’s not, it’s 100% my fault... nothing you did or didn’t do. It’s all my fault” But she was a large woman and I’m bordering underweight (always been petite even after having our daughter). I know he likes more full figures and he’s never made me feel inadequate (I do that on my own), I just need some verses or encouragement I think. Or just to say it...

**Also please don’t say he’ll do it again, or I should leave him. I don’t need the negative comments right now; no one here knows him or I and I’m not going to just give up on my marriage; people are fallible, we all screw up and hurt each other... some ways worse than others. No his actions are not excused by being forgiven either; so please don’t assume because Ive forgiven him that he thinks it’s fine to repeat this.