First meeting for IVF

Grace • TTC #1 for 2 years - Husband has non obstructive azoospermia due to late maturation arrest. IVF #1 - Successful mTESE but BFN and none frozen😔 IVF #2 May 2019🤞🏼

Good morning everyone! So I have my appointment with my RE tomorrow morning to go over all my tests results (day 3 blood work, HSG, genetic testing, etc) and talk about <a href="">IVF</a>. We are dealing with severe male factor so all my tests have come back normal so far. Anyways, if anyone has any insight about what I can expect during this appointment, I would really appreciate it! I am hoping to set a plan for the official timeline, as my husband is going to have a sperm retrieval in early August so I am assuming that’s when everything will kick off. I am so excited to finally be moving forward after months of waiting!!