Is WeWorks going too far with its new policy?


WeWorks has about 6,000 employees worldwide.

It has announced a new policy to:

1. Not provide meat (red meat, poultry or pork) at company sponsored events or in on-site food kiosks

2. Employees on business trips will not be reimbursed for meals that include meat. If they want a burger or whatever, they'd have to pay for it themselves.

Their reason for the policy is that they believe that removing meat from your diet is the number one thing an individual can do for the environment.

So, what do you think? Should companies adopt policies like this to help drive changes that will positively impact the environment or is the company overreaching?

I think if they had stopped with the first item (not providing meat at company sponsored events or on-site kiosks) that would be fine. But, refusing to reimburse meals that include meat for employees on business trips is overreaching.

I used to travel a lot for work and can't imagine my employer saying "I won't reimburse your meal because it's bad for the environment". PS here's your plane ticket to travel across the US and rental car 🙄. Eating is a necessary travel cost and they should reimburse regardless of whether they would choose to eat that meal or not. They can do a per diem approach if they want.

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