Mixed feelings

Cora • Mom of three💖💖💙 | Licensed Hairdresser🖤

I’m pregnant with my second and sometimes I feel........indifferent. I love my daughters. I’m having another girl so I know I don’t regret anything. But sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on life. My friends travel, go to school, spend time with other people. What do I do? I wake up, feed my daughter, watch her nap, play with her when she’s up, and occasionally have “date day” with my fiancé. He works 3rd shift so he sleeps during the day.

I do take my daughter out sometimes. We’ll walk around the mall or outside or just drive for a long time.

I don’t regret my decision to have kids so young, 23, but I can’t help but let my depression get in the way and make me feel like I’m stuck in a never ending loop of this kind of life. I know they’ll grow up and be on the their before I know it and that makes me even more sad. I couldn’t imagine them telling me they hate me or something.

Oh hormones, I haven’t missed you.