Mother in-law rant

Okay so me and my husband have a 10 month old and just recently found out we are expecting another baby. No we weren’t preventing it or planning it just kinda went with the flow that if we got pregnant then God wanted us to have another baby (we used the pullout method but u know that don’t work sometimes) anyways... we announced to the family and some where happy and some confused as in why we are having another one. Well he told his mother and she fussed at him and she said some hurtful things like “ idk why your getting another job when u can’t do the first one” “was y’all using birth control or protection, oh so y’all wanted another baby” and a few other things and then she left crying. Well she didn’t go to work that night because she is was so upset about us having another baby and it’s been 3 days and she has not said one word to her son or me or even come and seen her grandchild. Now has anyone else been in a situation like this or is it just me?

UPDATE- She is only said a few words to my husband nothing about the baby. She spoke to my mom and said that "she don't think he is gonna step up" "that we arnt ready for another baby" (but is anyone really ever prepared for a baby?) But we are excited anyways