Kyleena - what was your first cycle like?


Hi! I got Kyleena inserted nearly 4 weeks ago. Insertion was fine with just a day of minimal spotting. I’ve had intermittent spotting since. My period had been shorter than they historically have been at 25/26 days in the last 5 months leading up to insertion. I am currently day 30 of my cycle and have still only had intermittent spotting. No actual flow. We were fully sexually active one week after insertion (was inserted near the end of my period). I know that Kyleena decreases bleeding over time and approx 20% of women do not get periods at all at the end of the first year. This just seems really soon to not have a period when many of the things I’ve read state that your periods are likely to be heavier and/or longer for the first 3-6 months. Has anyone else experienced what I’m describing? Thanks!!
