

so this bitch AF is due today now leading up to today I haven't had any of my normal pms symptoms so I let myself believe I might actually have done it this time. no matter what I feel or do I try to never let myself think I'm pregnant because I'm trying to ease the hurt and pain I know is gonna come like it always does. but no this month I screwed up I thought I really had a chance at a bfp. I'm on my way to work and bam here comes all the cramps that have been MIA all week. I'm devastated I know by the time I get off work today that bitch will have made her appearance and made me feel less then again. good luck to everyone else who still has a shot this cycle hopefully you won't have to feel what I'm feeling right now. The biggest let down of all times. All day I'm gonna be scared to use the restroom and scared to wipe smh