Sex Robots


So I just recently discovered this has become an actual thing. We’re moving past sex dolls and into an era of sex robots. What in the actual .. ??!!

Just recently the first sex robot brothel opened in Moscow the same week of the FIFA World Cup

Here’s an article on CNET about the new age of sex robots (Its long so Im not posting the entire article)

I’m curious what everyone thinks? I personally find it alarming and quite disturbing. There are other articles that talk about people may actually be able to legally marry these things. That they are starting to be programmed where they can desire sex on their own giving them the ability to be unfaithful. There is also additional studies that discuss the harm that this can cause individuals and society. That there is no actual benefit to having sex robots.

Im honestly shocked, and I know I probably shouldnt be because society as a whole is obsessed about sex.

Curious about what everyone else thinks?