Keeping the neighborhood clean


I live on a military base and every single day I’m out, there is trash all over the place. People think it’s okay to leave their trash bags outside of their bins, litter and just not care at all about how the neighborhood looks. We have crazy wind storms here sometimes and it knocks trash cans over and people just leave it there and wait for someone else to do it.

Once a week the post actually has soldiers come out and pick up trash as a detail because the residential area is such a mess. Whenever I see any trash near my house, I always pick it up even if it’s not mine.

So who’s responsibly do you think it should be to pick up these messes? Is it up to the person who makes the mess? Should the whole neighborhood work together to pick up everyone else’s messes or should it be left up to the soldiers (who some don’t even live on post) to do it?

As of now, there are rules that come with not picking up your trash but from what I’ve noticed they aren’t heavily enforced. The housing office doesn’t have enough resources to force people to clean up after themselves.