When I found out I was pregnant (a story)


So I'm a student (recently finished with Good grades) anyway August of 2017 I begun just chatting and talking with a really amazing young man, he's in the armed forces and quickly realised we kind of clicked. both of us have been in rough relationships so we're sceptical. anyway soon enough we're officially a couple and things are amazing, as cliche as it sounds being with him felt like I was seeing colour again for the first time in so long, my head and heart had a sigh of relief. fast forward to February, I collapsed unexpectedly at home due to a flu like virus on top of an infection, I was throwing up and just generally felt awful. about a month later my period is late, no biggie it was sometimes off by a day

then another day passes, nothing, and another. babe is joking with me like 'maybe you're pregnant' and I had a niggling feeling he was right and I was going back and fourth like no, not possible and oh my god what if. so I tell my mum, good ol mumsy is like no, you're not and gets me a test on the fourth day just to put my mind at ease. so I'm there in the bathroom peeing on this stick still like, nah, then literally as I'm peeing I see a second line

I start bawling, ugly crying like some kind of animal, so I finish up and show my mum and she kinda just started screaming, happy screaming and I'm like

so now my thoughts turn to how am I supposed to tell him, how is he going to take it? Will he accept and support my decision? I was freaking out, I decided I would tell him in person, not over text or face book or by call so my dumbass thinks I have until the weekend so on the Thursday I'm just chilling out trying to figure out how I'm gonna tell him. then there was a ring at the door and mum's like 'it's *insert man's name hither*' this guy decides he wants to surprise me this weekend of all weekend

legit my face. so I go to the door, he knows something's up, I know something's up and he asks me if something's wrong and I just

I bolt off upstairs saying I need to get something, my mum's texting me like you need to tell him but legit I was frozen, I couldn't say the words 'I'm pregnant' to him because I was so scared. so mum told him safe so say she said his face was a picture

so he comes upstairs and cuddles me and tells me no matter what he will support me and I swear to the high heavens I felt such a relief. it is not what we would have chosen not by a mile, but we're happy and we're making it work as best we can

25 weeks pregnant with our little boy

things can work out 😊