
So my periods have been all over the place since I had a miscarriage in April. Last month I ovulated on the 17th I had a positive Opk test. It was 4 days earlier than glow predicted but I didn’t end up pregnant so AF arrived on the 3rd of July which was bang on perfect as I had my last one 3rd June. This period only last 2 and a half days it was not implantation bleeding as 1 day was very heavy. Anyway so about a week ago I think it was the 10th or the 11th. I decided to do an Opk test as I had some lying around and it was quite dark no where near positive but there was a very definite dark line. Anyway I knew ovulation would be a while off so I didn’t test again until 2 days ago and there was barley a line. Then again yesterday and again today once again hardly anything.

Do you think it’s possible I ovulated earlier this month like on the 12th and I just never got my positive because I didn’t test for a few days. Or maybe I won’t ovulate at all this month. Thanks guys xx