Am I wasting my time


My ex and I been dealing with each other for basically 4 years and what happened as to why we broke up doesn’t matter I’m not going to get into it but we were arguing a lot and a lot of shit was going on...anyways we broke up this past March and kept going on and off every other week due to arguments but we got it together bout two and a half months ago and weve been doing everything we usually done did when we were in a relationship., we even started communicating 90% better and everything . And that’ what one of the main issues , and he kept telling me after the break up maybe if we could b coo and stop arguing etc we could b together ...but we aren’t am I whistling my time ? I fee like I am tho it’s the “same “ just with no title ..Am I wrong for feeling like it’s either we’re together or we aren’t??! I haven’t talked to him about this due to not wanting to spark up an argument ..I have only eyes for him and it’s been that way since we’ve gotten together but I feel like I’m waisting time...I’m 22 I’m young...I don’t think I should settle for an ex wanting to still ACT like we’re together but we aren’t ...??? I need opinions please and I wanna know how should I bring this conversation up !? Like I’m to the point where I’m always thinking like damn is this how I really wanna waste my years away...” messing with an ex “ not having no growth in our “ ship “ .. .I feel like we are even still a thing because the sex is good and we “ love each other” and that it’s comfortable etc