Venting about kids and marriage

Does it ever make you sad when everyone’s getting married and having kids BUT you?

Idk. I have a lot of friends on Facebook from high school and everyone is having a kid or on their second kid or getting married.

I want kids and I never wanted kids or marriage until I met my boyfriend (he always wanted marriage and one or two children)

I changed my mind when I fell in love with him and now we’ve been together for 3 years and I’m not forcing a kid or marriage on him (AT ALL) I just get sad when I see everyone having kids and getting married & I’m just “dating” my boyfriend. (Yes we’ve talked about what we want his mind hasn’t changed just mine has I’m for marriage and kids now)

Everyone has different perspectives on marriage of course but when I say “dating” I’m just my boyfriends girlfriend.

I want to be more then that.. and we’ve talked about it and he just wants to wait and I’m not trying to rush I guess I just see literally EVERYONE I went to school with (80-90% of my class) having kids or getting married and it’s making me feel bad about myself.

His friends are married too.

I guess I get upset cause he’s always talking about how we need to save for a kid or marriage yet he’s out here buying a 60k truck and tells me that he’s being “fair” idk.

(We could most definitely afford a kid)

I want to be a mom and I want to marry my boyfriend because I love him so much and I don’t think he feels different but I just hate how I feel like I’m not doing anything with my life hah.

maybe I’m just stupid for feeling the way I do but I just had to vent.