desperate...won't fall asleep at bedtime only

Amanda • FTM to Niklaus Eli 💚 Now second baby is on the way 💚💚 Due July 25th, 2023


so I've tried following a better routine now for a few nights and starting it earlier but even if he go to sleep easily he wakes up within an hour and won't go back to sleep


I need some serious help. I'm desperate. I'm to the point I'm pissed off every night because I'm so frustrated with my baby.

He sleeps great for his naps and he even sleeping through the night(although he does still wake up to eat 3 or 4 times. During naptime ge normally goes to sleep within minutes but when it comes time for bedtime he is impossible. He yells, cries, talks, plays and does everything BUT fall asleep. I feel like I have tried everything and it's just not working. it usually takes over an hour to get him to sleep at bedtime and he just gets more and more tired and I'm exhausted and so beyond frustrated. I don't know what to do.