Scared..idk what’s wrong with me😔

Is it bad not to care about sex? I just literally don’t care if we have it or not I’ve been with this boy for 4 years and I know it’s not him I love him with everything he’s my bestfriend, It’s not that I don’t like having sex with him when we do have sex I’m not like grossed out by him or repulsed anything like that I want to make him “cum” I just don’t care if I cum or not..and in no way shape or form do u feel like I’m forcing myself to have sex I don’t dread it I kept reading things saying “sex is everything”, “you might not be sexually compatable” “if you don’t enjoy sex you don’t really love them and your relationship is over I just don’t know it ywt” I’m so scared bc I love him so much😢 I don’t want us to end, I just don’t care about having sex.. idk what’s wrong with me or what to do. I’m kinda freaking out