Losing weight

Sharlene • 25 🇵🇷🇩🇴 NYC, BRONX 🌃 Surelle 03/21/18 👶🏽🤱🏼🎀💜

I had my daughter 4 months and while pregnant I gained about 70 lbs went up to 202 which is the heaviest I have ever been (I’m a short girl 5’0) after giving birth I went down to 186 (my stomach is flappy and lose as well) but now I’m up again to 193. It’s been hard to lose the weight I’m trying to eat less and eat healthier but it’s hard for me and I drink a lot water. And I can’t go to the gym since I stay at home with her, what can I do to lose weight ? Also I live in an apartment so don’t have a backyard or anything.